Who we are
MIUrb/AL Researchers Team
Planning Department, Università Iuav di Venezia, Italy

Marcello Balbo

Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the Master Course on “Urban planning in Developing countries” at the Università Iuav di Venezia. From 2004 to 2006 he was coordinator of the “Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanization in the South” (N-Aerus). International Consultant for various multilateral and bilateral urban planning and management projects he has worked in different countries including Afghanistan, Cambodia, Eritrea, Somalia and Latin America. He is the author of several scientific articles and books on urbanization and local development in the South, the most recent including La ciudad inclusiva (CEPAL, Santiago de Chile,2003) and International Migrants and the City, UN-Habitat e Università Iuav di Venezia (2005).

Giovanna Marconi


Architect (Iuav, 2001); Master degree in “urban Planning in Developing Countries” (Iuav 2002), summer school degree in “Euro-Mediterranean Migration and Development” (European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Florence, 2007), PhD candidate in “urban planning and public policies”. Since 2004 Giovanna Marconi is contract researcher at the planning department of Università Iuav di Venezia, the focus of her research being South-to-South international migrations. She is author of several papers and scientific articles on the urban dimension of international migration, among which:
- Transit cities at Europe's doors, catalysts for unwanted migrant, paper presented at the XXI (Association of European Schools of Planning) Aesop conference “Planning for the risk society. Dealing with uncertainty, challenging the future”, July 13th 2007.
- L’immigrazione Internazionale nelle Città dei Paesi in via di Sviluppo, Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali N.87, 2006.
- Governing International Migration in the city of the South (with M.Balbo), Global Migration perspective No. 38, GCIM, Geneva, 2005.

Instituto Polis, Sao Paulo, Brasil

Renato Cymbalista

Architect and urban planner (FAU-USP, 1996), Master in Environmental and urban Structures (FAU-USP, 2001), Doctor in Foundations of the Architecture and Urbanization (FAU-USP, 2006). Visiting researcher at the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa - ISCTE, Lisbon (2004), at the Institute of Social sciences - ICS of the University of Lisbon (2004) and at the Centro de História de Além Mar of the New Universidade de Lisboa (2005-6). Grant holder CNPq (1995-1996), FAPESP (1999-2001) and Instituto Camões (2004). Professor at the Faculdade de Arquitetura Escola da Cidade. Author of researches and articles on urban politics and urban administration.

Iara Rolnik Xavier


Iara Rolnik Xavier is a sociologist, graduated at the University of São Paulo. Since 2003 she is working at the Instituto Pólis as researcher in urban studies, with particular focus on international immigrations since it is part of MIURBAL. She is also responsible for the editing of the publications and materials produced by the Pólis team.

Universidad de Chile, Facultad de ciencias sociales, Dep.to de Sociologia

Camilo Arriagada



Sociologist (Universidad de Chile); Master in Urban Planning (Universidad Católica), Diploma in Urban Economics (Universidad Católica) and Diploma in Public Management (Universidad de Chile). Since 1998 he is the head of the Department of Studies, Chilean Ministry of Housing and Urbanism. He designed and directed as counterpart technique various national studies of great significance (for example, the land registry of Precarious Settlements that gave rise to the Programme "Chile-Barrio"). He also coordinated diverse researches and studies on housing programmes evaluation, housing deficit, and territorial housing trends. He is national coordinator for the Observatorio de Satisfacción Residencial de Beneficiarios de Vivienda Social. From 1992 to 1998 he was coordinator of the International Cooperation Unit, Chilean Ministry of Housing and Urbanism. It was researcher for ECLAC on urban development, human settlements, poverty and demography within the Environment and Human Settlements divisions and for the Latin American Demographic Centre. He was researcher on access to land for the Research Programme of the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy. He was professor at ECLAC, at the United Nations Population Fund and at the Institute of Housing of the University of Chile (Evaluation of housing and urban programmes). He is Member of the international advisory committee of the Latin American Journal of Urban and Regional Studies (EURE). He was visiting professor at the Master on “Urban Planning in developing countries” at the Università Iuav di Venezia and expert for the Distance learning Course of the Autonomous University of Mexico "The Metropolitan Phenomenon".

Helvia Granifo


El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Mexico

Tito Alegria


Tito Alegría is doctor in Urban Development and Planning. Since 1987 he teaches sociology, economics and urban planning at the Department of Urban Studies and Environment at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Mexico. He is a member of the Mexican National Researchers System (SNI). The focus of his research encompasses a wide range of issues concerning cities, and in particular the urban development of Mexico-US border, transboundary labour market, land uses and intra-urban sub-centres for trade and services, social and spatial segregation, regularization of property, as well as urban integration of foreign migrants. He is author of 2 books and several academic articles on these issues, published in 6 countries. His most recent publication is "La visione della metropoli transfrontaliera. Revisione critica ed analisi del caso Tijuana-San Diego” in Archivio di studi urbani e regionali, No. 89, 2007. His latest book “Metrópolis Transfronteriza” will be published soon. He was visiting researcher at Promperú, Government of Peru, and at the University of California at La Jolla. He also worked as a consultant for local governments in Mexico and for UN-Habitat.

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

Michael Leaf
Michael Leaf


Michael Leaf is the Director of the Centre for Southeast Asia Research (CSEAR) at the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada, an Associate Professor in the UBC School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), and a Research Associate of the UBC Centre for Human Settlements (CHS). The focus of his research and teaching has been on urbanization and planning in cities of developing countries, with particular interest in Asian cities. Since his original doctoral research (PhD Berkeley, 1992) on land development in Jakarta, Indonesia, Dr. Leaf has been extensively involved in urbanization research and capacity building projects in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, China and Sri Lanka. The courses he teaches at SCARP cover the theory and practice of development planning and the social, institutional and environmental aspects of urbanization in developing countries.

Alejandra Lopez

Alejandra López Bravo, is a MA Candidate in Planning in the School of Community and Regional Planning at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and her focus is Social Planning and International Development. She studied Political Science and Public Administration in Mexico City. Her professional experience has been in both the non profit sector and the public sector: She worked for the Mexico City Food Bank organizing the First National Food Campaign and in the Ministry of Social Development in the National Fund for the Promotion of Mexican Arts and Crafts. After deepening her interest on migration issues, she decided to link her theoretical journey with the different experiences that non profit organizations have with refugee and migrant communities in Vancouver. She collaborates with Michael Leaf in MIUrb/AL, by documenting good Canadian practices of urban inclusion of international migrants.

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