
Based on an international network of high level scholars and researchers from different universities and research centres, SSIIM UNESCO Chair represent an important arena for the production and the dissemination of new knowledge on promoting good urban governance for social and spatial inclusion of international migrants.

Through the conduction of multidisciplinary comparative research on international migration in urban areas, the SIIMM UNESCO Chair will make available to the scientific community, as well as to political and public opinion, new information, reasoned overviews and dedicated studies on the multifaceted issues international migration raises at the urban level, highlighting the principal factors preventing and/or promoting social and spatial inclusion of international migrants in different urban settings.

Burgas BG Roma Neighbourhood

PusH Summer Schools – Save the dates!

In July 2022, two five-day international Summer Schools on “Precarious Housing in Europe” will take place in Venice (Italy) and Sofia (Bulgaria) as part of the Erasmus+ funded Strategic Partnership “PusH – Precarious Housing in Europe”....

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